Over the past year, Dean Kirchen and his team have been working on integrating the various third-party foreclosure platforms utilized by their clients with WFG National Title Insurance’s Resware production system.
The system utilizes open architecture, which allowed the company to do a process flow integration that will eliminate redundancies, keystrokes and errors. Kirchen’s understanding of how the foreclosure software is used on the client’s side helped the team achieve their collective goal of a “next generation” processing unit at WFG. Kirchen continues to provide regular industry updates to his clients and the WFG organization and underwriters. His default services group offers valuable insight on commercial foreclosures as well. On the residential side, the focus has been on forbearance and the changing regulations related to foreclosure in this market. For this reason, Kirchen led the development of a new forbearance title information report, which has become an important addition to the division’s suite of services.