Market share for Todd McGowan’s centralized title and settlement business lines saw substantial growth from 2015 to 2016, which he credits to a “non-sales” approach. McGowan leads with an eye for process improvement, personally visiting clients to help identify and troubleshoot process inefficiencies.
McGowan’s focus on efficiency helped the centralized title and settlement business line increase revenue per employee, while simultaneously reducing total costs per open order.
He was a key member of the quality management team that led First American to achieve ISO 9001 certification in 2016. Additionally, McGowan oversees a full suite of products designed to support lenders with all aspects of the home equity loan cycle.
Business revenue for the fulfillment services business line significantly grew in 2016, driven in part by large-scale staff augmentation engagements with top-tier lenders.
Putting the interests of my teammates first, whether it’s empowering them to have ownership, listening to their ideas and following through to ensure suggestions for improvement get implemented, or challenging them to help foster personal and professional growth. Because only by supporting my team’s success can I create my own.