FormFree announced on Wednesday that its AccountChek automated asset verification service is now part of BeSmartee's mortgage point-of-sale platform.
The integration will make BeSmartee’s already-streamlined digital loan process faster and provide a more accurate assessment of borrowers’ ability to pay, the automated verification provider said in a press release.
BeSmartee’s platform is customizable and web-based, giving loan officers a way to make the digital origination process more efficient and improves the mortgage experience for borrowers by giving them greater guidance and control, a press release explained.
“By incorporating AccountChek as a point-of-sale process, BeSmartee helps lenders move loans into initial underwriting very quickly, which can cut days off time-to-close,” said BeSmartee co-founder Arvin Sahakian. “And because our partnerships with trusted Day 1 Certainty vendors like FormFree are ready out-of-the-box, BeSmartee’s onboarding process is weeks shorter than competitors’.”
BeSmartee’s integration with FormFree allows lenders to customize where they bring AccountChek into origination workkflow. Loan officers are able to order an AccountChek asset report with one click, or borrowers can initiate asset verification by way of a self-service process, the company explained in a press release.
“FormFree makes lending simpler, safer and faster by streamlining the loan origination process and providing better intelligence on borrowers’ ability to pay,” said FormFree founder and CEO Brent Chandler. “We’re delighted to work with BeSmartee to put AccountChek in borrowers’ hands at the point of sale and give loans the shortest possible path from initial contact to underwriting."