Eighty-six percent of reverse mortgage borrowers are satisfied with their loan, and the majority felt that taking the loan improved the quality of their lives. This critical fact—a key finding in a comprehensive study about reverse mortgages recently released by Ohio State researchers—is the driving force behind the work we do.
Those who have dedicated their careers to helping senior borrowers have believed all along in the value of this product. They have rejected widespread criticism of reverse mortgages and worked hard to educate the misinformed. Their everyday interactions with the seniors they serve remind them just how important reverse mortgages are. Now, with feedback from the 1,700 borrowers who partook in this in-depth study, we have compelling evidence highlighting the program’s value.
In this month’s feature story, we outline the survey results that are part of The Ohio State University’s ongoing “Aging in Place” study. The results not only tell us more about the people who consider taking HECM loans, but also shed light on their experiences during the loan process. Armed with this feedback, we can continue to improve the way we connect with and serve prospective borrowers so they too can benefit from this important product.