
More bang, fewer bucks: Budgeting for paid digital marketing

Allocating your budget effectively across paid channels

Digital marketing is a powerful tool, but with 61% of marketers identifying generating traffic and leads as their top challenge, and the industry headwinds we’re facing with high interest rates and inventory shortages, budgeting effectively for marketing across paid channels has never been more critical.


In today’s competitive market, the pressure to make every marketing dollar count is immense. Real estate professionals and mortgage brokers face the challenge of maximizing their advertising impact amidst rising digital advertising costs. With an abundance of channels available, from Google Ads to social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, deciding where to allocate your budget can be daunting. The goal is to reach potential buyers and borrowers efficiently with timely messaging, ensuring that each channel contributes to a cohesive and profitable marketing strategy.


The digital marketing landscape is in constant flux, with algorithm changes, new ad formats, and shifting consumer behaviors adding layers of complexity. Allocating your budget without a clear strategy can lead to overspending on ineffective channels or missing out on high-performing ones. For instance, while Google Ads may deliver high-intent traffic, social media platforms offer robust targeting options and engagement metrics. Navigating these choices requires a deep understanding of each platform’s strengths and how they align with your business objectives.

Questions to consider

  1. What are your primary marketing goals?
    • Are you focused on brand awareness, lead generation, or conversions?
  2. Who is your target audience?
    • Which platforms do they frequent, and how do they interact with ads on those platforms?
  3. What is your overall budget?
    • How much can you realistically allocate to each channel while maintaining a positive ROI?
  4. How will you measure success?
    • What key performance indicators (KPIs) will you track to assess the effectiveness of each channel?

Define clear objectives

Begin by identifying the primary goal of your marketing campaign. From there, choose where you’d like to dedicate your marketing budget. Each platform has its own unique capabilities, and differing appeal to various audiences.

Google Ads is particularly effective for capturing high-intent traffic—individuals actively searching for real estate or mortgage services. This platform targets potential clients when they are most likely to convert, making your investment more efficient. By focusing on keyword strategies and search intent, you can ensure that your ads appear at the right moment, leading to higher conversion rates.

LinkedIn offers a different advantage, particularly for reaching professionals interested in property investments. Its detailed targeting options allow you to narrow your audience by job titles, industries, and other demographics, ensuring your ads reach individuals with a higher likelihood of engagement. LinkedIn is ideal for B2B marketing, particularly in niches like commercial real estate or high-end mortgage services.

For broader reach, platforms like Facebook and Instagram are indispensable. Facebook’s vast user base and detailed targeting capabilities make it ideal for building brand awareness and engaging a wide audience. Its diverse ad formats—carousel ads, video ads, sponsored posts—provide creative flexibility, while advanced analytics enable precise campaign adjustments.

Instagram, known for its visually-driven content, is particularly effective for showcasing properties, interior designs, and virtual tours. Features like Stories, Reels, and IGTV allow for dynamic content that captures the attention of potential buyers or renters. The platform’s integration with shopping features also facilitates direct actions from users, enhancing its role in lead generation.

TikTok, with its rapidly growing user base, offers unique opportunities for reaching younger demographics. Its short-form, engaging video content is perfect for creative and interactive marketing campaigns. TikTok’s algorithm promotes content based on user interests, enabling the ability to go viral and reach a broad audience organically. This platform is especially effective for generating buzz and connecting with a younger market segment.

By strategically aligning your marketing efforts with these platforms and regularly reviewing campaign performance, you ensure that your marketing budget is both efficient and effective. A data-driven approach, utilizing metrics like conversion rates, cost per lead (CPL), and return on ad spend (ROAS), allows you to make informed decisions, reallocate budget as necessary, and continuously refine your strategies.

Understanding your audience

To maximize your digital marketing budget, a thorough understanding of your target audience is crucial. Different demographic groups have distinct online habits, and allocating your budget effectively requires knowing where these groups spend their time.

Platforms like Instagram and TikTok dominate among younger audiences who engage primarily with visual and short-form content. These platforms offer unique opportunities for creating dynamic, engaging advertisements that resonate with younger users. Utilizing Instagram Stories or TikTok challenges can capture attention and drive significant engagement from these demographics.

Older, more affluent individuals often gravitate towards platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn, which cater to more professional or community-oriented content. Facebook’s extensive targeting tools and broad user base make it ideal for reaching a diverse audience, while LinkedIn is particularly effective for targeting professionals and B2B marketing, especially in niches like commercial real estate.

Understanding these preferences enables you to tailor your marketing strategies to the habits and behaviors of your audience, ensuring that your advertising dollars are spent on platforms most likely to convert your desired audience. Adjusting your budget allocation based on these insights maximizes your ROI and drives more leads and conversions.

Diversify your spend

To mitigate risk and maximize effectiveness, it’s crucial to diversify your digital marketing budget across multiple channels. Over-reliance on a single platform can be risky, especially if performance fluctuates. A well-rounded strategy leverages the unique strengths of each platform, ensuring broader audience reach and reducing dependency on any single channel.

Consider allocating 40% of your budget to search ads, 30% to social media ads, 20% to retargeting campaigns, and 10% to display ads.

  • Search Ads: Platforms like Google Ads are highly effective for capturing high-intent traffic, targeting users actively searching for real estate or mortgage services.
  • Social Media Ads: Ads on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer robust targeting options and the ability to engage users through various content formats. These ads build brand awareness, drive engagement, and attract leads from diverse demographic groups.
  • Retargeting Campaigns: These campaigns target users who have previously visited your website but did not convert. By showing them relevant ads as they browse other sites, you increase the likelihood of conversion.
  • Display Ads: Display ads, which appear on various websites, are useful for increasing brand visibility and reaching a wide audience. These ads are like digital billboards, complementing your search and social media efforts by keeping your brand top of mind for potential clients.

Track and adjust

Regular monitoring and adjustment are critical for optimizing your digital marketing campaigns. Use analytics tools to track key performance indicators such as click-through rates (CTR), cost per lead (CPL), and return on ad spend (ROAS). These metrics provide valuable insights into which channels are performing well and which may need adjustments.

Regularly review your campaign data to identify trends and patterns. For instance, if social media ads have a high CTR but low conversion rates, you may need to examine your landing pages or ad targeting. If Google Ads generate leads at a lower CPL than other channels, consider reallocating more budget to this high-performing area.

Be prepared to make adjustments based on your findings. Reallocating funds from underperforming channels to those delivering better results ensures efficient use of your marketing budget. Additionally, staying agile and responsive to market changes is crucial as consumer behaviors and platform algorithms can shift, impacting campaign effectiveness. Continuous testing and tweaking of your strategies help you stay ahead of these changes, maintaining optimal performance.

By closely tracking and adjusting your campaigns, you can make data-driven decisions that maximize the return on your marketing investment. This proactive approach ensures that your advertising dollars are spent wisely, driving better outcomes for your real estate or mortgage business.


Effective budgeting for paid digital marketing requires a strategic approach, continual monitoring, and a willingness to adapt. By setting clear goals, understanding your audience, diversifying your spend, and tracking performance, you can ensure that your marketing dollars work harder and smarter, driving better outcomes for your real estate or mortgage business. In an industry where every lead counts, a well-planned budget is not just an asset—it’s a necessity.

Justin Ulrich is the VP of Marketing at Evocalize.

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of HousingWire’s editorial department and its owners.

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