
Reverse Lender Launches Book to Help LOs Navigate Social Media Marketing

With some mortgage companies having launched full blown social media campaigns and others waiting on the sidelines, many originators today continue to wonder how important social media is in business like the mortgage business. 

In the reverse mortgage space, companies have devoted some efforts to email marketing and social media, but having just scratched the surface as the aging population continues to spend more time communicating online. 

Through the launch of a new book, Social Media for Loan Officers, Open Mortgage CEO Scott Gordon delves into the how-tos of social media for originators including how to adopt new strategies for marketing to mortgage customers through channels like Facebook, LinkedIn and blogs.

“What has changed is how we become known and how we get found by your future clients,” Gordon says in describing the book and its uses.

Open Mortgage is a reverse mortgage and forward mortgage lender based in Austin, Texas. 

The book can be downloaded or purchased via Amazon. 

Find out more here

Written by Elizabeth Ecker

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