
Reverse Mortgage Podcast: Ready for HVCC? It’s Here

image Reverse Fortunes Weekly Podcast Episode #82

Are your ready for AMCs and appraisal independence? It’s here.

To listen login or become a free member to listen to past & current episodes.

  • Home prices stabilized? Zillow say “yes they have”
  • Counseling agencies say they’re ready for new California counseling checklist
  • HVCC (Home Valuation Code of Conduct). Is it dead or alive?
  • Federal Agency says reverse mortgages are historically “untested”
  • Tax credit does apply to qualified HECM purchase borrowers

Knowledge & Insight:

How to prepare yourself and your client for Appraisal Management Companies and HVCC rules.

Listen now

“Reverse Fortunes is the ultimate resource for reverse mortgage professionals providing the technology, training and marketing to grow your business.  We are yourone-stop resource for those committed to taking their business to the next level.”

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