Purchasing Platform is the only B2B marketplace that supports real estate and property management across all asset classes and offers portfolio owners and management companies of every asset class the ability to control all spending across their portfolio while ensuring compliance and standardization. While property managers and their supervisors certainly benefit, most other business functions such as finance and accounting, asset management, marketing and sales and executive management will also experience positive impacts.
The cost efficiencies created by usage of Purchasing Platform extend far beyond simple cost savings from less expensive appliances and supplies. The company typically sees finance and accounting teams save 1-1.5 FTE once they’ve deployed Purchasing Platform. The company has also seen tenant satisfaction increase as the property managers are more available to support their needs which leads to more renewals.
Company Website:
Markets Served:
Single Family Investment and Property Management, Multifamily / CRE and Real Estate Data and Analytics
Company HQ:
Chicago, IL