2024 Vanguard: Bob Hart

Bob Hart

Bob Hart has been instrumental in the transformation and success of ICE. Early in his tenure, he oversaw the maturation and expansion of the ICE partner network, which today is the industry’s largest network with more than 300 natively integrated partners offering more than 1,000 solutions. With an excellent track record of building relationships to create better experiences for ICE customers, Hart provides the customer voice when working with both origination and servicing product and development teams to deliver the unprecedented efficiencies of an end-to-end mortgage ecosystem across the housing finance continuum.

As SVP, Business and Client Development, he unified the sales and customer service teams of ICE and Black Knight under one team and one mission to help drive company success. Over the last year, he restructured processes and aligned hundreds of team members around a customer-centric vision to ensure clients are matched with solutions and implementations that meet their unique business objectives. This approach extends across the sales and customer success teams of ICE’s end-to-end solutions, which include origination, servicing, data and analytics, and more.

An influential leader, Hart is actively invested in the training and coaching of internal sales teams, enabling them to effectively articulate ICE’s unique value proposition across its mortgage platform. Within the last few years, ICE has made significant investments in its mortgage technology business to bring together best-of-breed technologies, data and analytics across the loan life cycle into a single platform that connects the entire mortgage loan process. Hart has played a critical role in helping ICE customers realize the immense value that sourcing lending solutions through the same best-in-class vendor delivers, such as improved efficiency gains, reduced risk, and improved borrower experiences.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

The best piece of advice I have ever received was to always remember to make time for your family first.


Bob Hart


SVP, Business and Client Development

Company Name:

ICE Mortgage Technology

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