Joe Skousen, the CEO and founder of Inside Real Estate, is a trailblazer in the real estate industry, delivering innovative solutions and services that drive the success of over 500,000 real estate agents, teams and brokerages, representing many of the top-performing and most elite real estate brands in the industry. His contributions to the industry are fueled by his passion for innovation and strategic vision for a better future. He spearheaded the development of the industry-leading technology platform, kvCORE, and led the acquisition of BoomTown, another leading innovator in the space. He brought the two together and developed a groundbreaking new solution, BoldTrail, that brings the company’s extensive portfolio together and offers a new cutting-edge solution that serves as real estate’s growth engine and provides a complete technology ecosystem that is the first of its kind.
Skousen’s unique brand of leadership is rooted in his commitment to bettering the lives of those around him, both within his company and those in the valued client community he serves. In 2023, he worked tirelessly to bring together two unique companies, Inside Real Estate and BoomTown, under one roof, focusing on internal affairs and merging culture effectively to create a cohesive and unified force to continue unparalleled innovation for its clients. With transparent communication, all-hands, ask-anything meetings, and a genuine goal of improving experiences, both for employees and customers, his leadership style has inspired big moves and incredible innovation seen within the company culture, and, of course, in the rapid release of new solutions to serve Inside Real Estate’s growing customer base.
What is one habit you swear by?
Setting aside “focus time” to make sure I have room to think and that I’m working on the right stuff. Also, getting up early!
Joe Skousen
CEO and Founder
Company Name:
Inside Real Estate