2024 Vanguard: Joe Zeibert

Joe Zeibert

Joe Zeibert is FICO’s vice president for Mortgage and Capital Markets. He has worked in the financial services and software industries for more than 15 years, gaining experience at Bank of America and Ally Financial after starting his career at a boutique consulting and software firm.

Prior to joining FICO, Zeibert was the general manager/vice president of Nomis Solutions, helping grow the customer base by over 100%. Prior to running pricing, he managed capital for the then $650-plus billion consumer balance sheet.

During the past 12 months, Zeibert and his team signed 15 “early adopter” clients for the new FICO Score 10 T and helped develop a variety of webinars, blogs and other outreach tools to assist lenders in migrating to the new score, which will required for all mortgage loan deliveries to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac at the end of 2025. Adoption of the new score is coming from lenders of all types, including banks, credit unions, mortgage companies and particularly non-GSE lenders and VA lenders. To date, the 15 early adopter lenders represent mortgage loan originations of more than $126 billion and a servicing loan portfolio of $380 billion.

Given the increased predictive power of FICO Score 10 T, with approval rates up to 5% higher than classic FICO Score, Zeibert’s success in winning early adopters is helping more organizations qualify more consumers for mortgages and offering investors better insights into portfolio performance. At the same time, the organizations that are using the new score are increasing the value of securitized assets in the secondary market.

What is one habit you swear by?

First, I love habits and habit stacking. I am a big proponent that you can teach yourself to do anything and make it stick if you turn it into a habit. I am going to claim habit stacking as my favorite habit, but I will also say working out early and getting those endorphins going for the day is key. I want all my brain chemistry working for me, so I get those feel-good endorphins going before the kids wake up and then am set to tackle the day with enthusiasm, passion and positivity. My team always asks me what I am on to stay encouraging and positive. I am on science. Know what your body responds to and lean into it and the sky’s the limit.


Joe Zeibert


Vice President Mortgage & Capital Markets

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