2024 Vanguard: John Rogers

John Rogers

As CoreLogic’s chief innovation officer for the last four years, John Rogers leads the development of the next generation of technology platforms, applications, analytical models and solutions to improve the global real estate economy. Under his leadership, the Innovation Lab team addresses pressing housing issues and collaborates with clients across the industry to devise innovative solutions for real-world challenges, including affordable housing and climate risk.

Rogers has distinguished himself by spearheading the development of CoreLogic’s state-of-the-art R&D facility, the Discovery Center. This pioneering initiative was designed to foster collaboration with clients across various sectors seeking innovative property and location insights. The Discovery Center serves as a dynamic hub for co-innovation, driving new product development at CoreLogic, and providing inspiration and educational resources for the company’s 5,000-plus associates.

A leading authority on the impact of climate risk on the housing market, Rogers is frequently sought after for his expertise on how climate risk affects lenders, businesses, homeowners and other real estate owners. His insights address both current and future challenges in this critical area. Under his leadership, CoreLogic’s team is at the forefront of rapidly advancing technology to address the evolving needs of the industry in a constantly shifting landscape.

Rogers also serves as the president of Drawing for the Planet (DftP), an organization dedicated to advancing global art, environmental education, and conservation through drawing — one of the oldest forms of communication. To date, DftP has conducted over 180 workshops in 100 schools across five continents, leveraging art to drive funding and support for the conservation of endangered species.

What is one habit you swear by?

I keep a worn-out post-it note in my wallet with all my life goals. It’s amazing what gets ticked off!


John Rogers


Chief Innovation Officer

Company Name:


3d rendering of a row of luxury townhouses along a street

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